High-quality seed is a crucial component of every successful restoration project. If you purchase inferior seed, it doesn’t matter how well the site is planted or how much effort is put into controlling competition. You simply will not get a good stand! Here are a few pointers which will help you make the right decisions.
- Don’t let price be the only determining factor when purchasing seed. Not all seed vendors are reputable and the label may not match what is inside the bag.
- Buy local ecotype seed whenever available. Local seed is acclimated to your soils, climate, and annual rainfall. It will outperform seed from outside of your region.
- Buy seed on a PLS (Pure Live Seed) basis. All seed should be accompanied by a seed tag that details seed testing information.
- Don’t buy seed with a high percentage of inert matter. This may cause problems when drilling or broadcasting.
- Buy seed that has been properly stored under temperature and humidity control. Avoid seed that has been stored in grain bins throughout the summer.