The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a program for agricultural landowners through which participants can receive annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource conserving covers on eligible farmland. Individuals enrolled in CRP receive annual rental payments based on the agriculture rental value of the land, and cost-share assistance for up to 50 percent of the costs of establishing approved conservation practices. CRP contracts range from 10 to 15 years.
Shooting Star Native Seeds has developed CRP Native Seed Mixes based on state specifications for Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. We’re more than happy to tailor these mixes to meet the needs of your individual project, or quote mixes based on seeding plans from your technical service provider or local NRCS office. If you decide to use one of our mixes for your CRP project, please get approval to use the mix from your local NRCS office before purchase.
Please contact us at info@ssns.co for CRP pricing and recommendations.
CP2 – Permanent Native Grasses
CP2 is the establishment and maintenance of cover used to protect soil and water resources on land retired from agricultural production. Permanent native grasses are used to reduce soil erosion and sedimentation, improve water quality and create or enhance wildlife habitat.
CP25 – Restoration of Rare and Declining Habitat – Tallgrass Prairie
CP25 is the restoration and conservation of rare or declining native vegetative communities and associated wildlife species. The purpose of CP25 is to provide habitat for rare and declining wildlife species by restoring, conserving, and increasing the diversity of native plant communities.
CP33 – Habitat Buffer for Upland Birds
CP33 is the establishment of upland habitat buffers to provide food and cover for quail, upland birds, and other wildlife species. Grassland dependent bird species have suffered significant population declines due primarily to the loss of habitat. Habitat buffers around crop fields can provide critical nesting, brood rearing, and security cover.
CP42 – Native Habitat Development for Pollinators
The Native Habitat Development for Pollinators program was created to restore and conserve native plant communities that benefit pollinators and associated wildlife species. Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, beetles, ants, bats, and hummingbirds, are attracted to areas that have adequate sources of food, shelter, water, and nesting sites. They are an integral part of the environment and our agricultural systems.
Forb and Legume Interseeding for Wildlife
Native forb and legume interseeding is used to increase plant diversity in native grass plantings or in old field habitats. Interseeding provides wildlife with a food source during the winter and can also create excellent brood habitat for upland wildlife during the summer. Sites should be interseeded after a disturbance such as prescribed burning, light disking, or herbicide spraying.
Minnesota CRP Mixes
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Standard Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Premium Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Dry Shortgrass Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Milestone & Stinger Tolerant Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 27 Wet Mix
MN CP21 Economy Mix
MN CP21 Standard Mix
MN CP21 Wet Mix
MN CP25 Standard Mix
MN CP25 Premium Mix
MN CP25 Dry Shortgrass Mix
MN CP25 Milestone & Stinger Tolerant Mix
MN CP25 Wet Mix
MN CP33 Habitat Buffer for Upland Birds Mix
MN CP42 Standard Pollinator Mix
MN CP42 Premium Pollinator Mix
MN CP42 Wet Pollinator Mix
MN CP42 Monarch Pollinator Mix
MN CP23 & 23A Wet-Sedge Meadow Mix
MN CP23 & 23A Emergent Wetland Fringe Mix
Minnesota CREP Mixes
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Standard Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Premium Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Dry Shortgrass Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 28 Milestone & Stinger Tolerant Mix
MN CP2, 23, 23A, 27 Wet Mix
MN CP21 Economy Mix
MN CP21 Standard Mix
MN CP21 Wet Mix
MN 657 CP23 & 23A Wet-Sedge Meadow Mix
MN 657 CP23 & 23A Emergent Wetland Fringe Mix
MN CREP 327 CP2 Monarch Food Plot Mix
MN CREP 643 CP23A Tallgrass Prairie Monarch Mix
Iowa CRP Mixes
IA 30-10 CP2, 25 Economy Mix
IA 30-10 CP2, 25 Standard Mix
IA 30-10 CP2, 25 Premium Mix
IA 30-10 CP2, 25, 38E Dry Shortgrass Mix
IA 30-10 CP2, 23, 25 Wet Mix
IA 20-20 CP25, 42 Economy Mix
IA 20-20 CP25, 42, 43 Standard Mix
IA 20-20 CP25, 42, 43 Premium Mix
IA 20-20 CP25, 38E, 42, 43 Dry Shortgrass Mix
IA 20-20 CP23, 25, 42, 43 Wet Mix
IA 20-20 CP25, 42, 43 Monarch Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Economy Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Standard Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Premium Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Dry Shortgrass Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Wet Mix
IA 10-30 CP42 Monarch Mix
IA Mesic Grass Mix
IA Dry Shortgrass Mix
Wisconsin CRP Mixes
WI CP2 Mix #1
WI CP2 Mix #2
WI CP2 Mix #3
WI CP2 Mix #4
WI CP2 Mix #5
WI CP2 Mix #6
WI CP2 Mix #7
WI CP25 Dry Mix
WI CP25 Dry Mesic Mix
WI CP25 Mesic Mix
WI CP25 Wet Mesic Mix
WI CP25 Wet Mix
WI CP25 Karner Blue Butterfly Mix
WI CP33 Quail Habitat Mix #1
WI CP33 Quail Habitat #2
WI CP38E-1 Introduced Pollinator and Monarch Mix
WI CP38E-2 Native Pollinator and Monarch Mix
WI CP38E-25 Native Pollinator and Monarch Mix
WI CP42 Dry Mesic – Mesic Pollinator Habitat Mix
WI CP42 Wet Mesic Pollinator Habitat Mix
Illinois CRP Mixes
IL CP2 Dry Mix
IL CP2 Dry Slope Mix
IL CP2 Mesic Mix
IL CP2 Mesic Slope Mix
IL CP2 Wet Mix
IL CP25 Dry Mix
IL CP25 Mesic Mix
IL CP25 Wet Mix
IL CP42 Dry Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Dry Slope Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Dry Monarch Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Dry Slope Monarch Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Mesic Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Mesic Slope Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Mesic Monarch Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Mesic Slope Monarch Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Wet Pollinator Mix
IL CP42 Wet Monarch Pollinator Mix
Indiana CRP Mixes
IN Mesic CRP Economy Mix
IN Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Floodplain Mix
IN Wet Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Mix
IN Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Pollinator Mix
IN Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Monarch Pollinator Mix
IN Dry CRP, WRE, EQIP Pollinator Mix
IN Dry CRP, WRE, EQIP Monarch Pollinator Mix
IN Wet Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Pollinator Mix
IN Wet Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP Monarch Pollinator Mix
IN Muck CRP, WRE, EQIP Pollinator & Monarch Pollinator Mix
IN Mesic CRP, WRE, EQIP CP43 Prairie Strips Mix
IN Dry Mesic Interseed Mix
IN Wet Mesic Interseed Mix