Prairie Mixes
Dry Short Prairie Mix
The Dry Short Prairie Mix is a shorter mix designed for slopes and well-drained uplands.
Dry Prairie Mix
The Dry Prairie Mix is designed for slopes and well-drained uplands.
Dry Forbs Enhancement Mix
The Dry Forbs Enhancement Mix adds color and dimension to an existing site or can be planted in combination with one of our dry mixes.
Mesic Short Prairie Mix
The Mesic Short Prairie Mix is a shorter mix designed for reasonably well-drained uplands that have moisture available throughout the growing season.
Mesic Prairie Mix
The Mesic Prairie Mix is designed for reasonably well-drained uplands that have moisture available throughout the growing season.
Mesic Forbs Enhancement Mix
The Mesic Forbs Enhancement Mix adds color and dimension to an existing site or can be planted in combination with one of our mesic mixes.
Basic Short Prairie Mix
The Basic Short Prairie Mix is a cost effective, shorter mix that contains some of the most common prairie grasses and wildflowers.
Basic Prairie Mix
The Basic Prairie Mix is a cost-effective mix that contains some of the most common prairie grasses and wildflowers.
Shady Mixes
Savanna & Woodland Edge Mix
The Savanna & Woodland Edge Mix is designed to be planted in areas with scattered trees or near the edge of woodlands.
Wetland Mixes
Emergent Wetland Mix
The Emergent Wetland Mix is designed to be planted along the edge of standing water and consists of species that will thrive in the emergent zone as well as saturated soils. Species will begin to populate in up to 6 inches of water once they are established.
Sedge Meadow Mix
The Sedge Meadow Mix is designed for marshy areas that may periodically be saturated, like stream banks and low lying wetlands.
Wet Prairie Mix
The Wet Prairie Mix tolerates seasonal saturation as well as drier periods in summer months.
Wet Forbs Enhancement Mix
The Wet Forbs Enhancement Mix adds color and dimension to an existing site or can be planted in combination with one of our wet mixes.
Wildlife Mixes
Pollinator Mix
The Pollinator Mix attracts butterflies, birds, and insects and has a higher percentage of forbs than any of our standard mixes. With continuous blooms from early spring to late fall, this mix is attractive to pollinators throughout the growing season.
Wet Pollinator Mix
The Wet Pollinator Mix is similar in design to the Pollinator Mix above, but suited for wet mesic to mesic soils. This mix attracts butterflies, birds, and insects and has continuous blooms from early spring to late fall.
Wildlife Habitat Mix
The Wildlife Habitat Mix provides a source of food and shelter for deer, upland birds, and other wildlife.
Nesting Cover Mix
The Nesting Cover Mix provides cover for upland birds. This mix is often used as a habitat buffer along crop fields.
Specialized Mixes
Detention Basin & Raingarden Mix
The Detention Basin & Raingarden Mix is designed for areas temporarily flooded by rainwater runoff. The species in this mix are well-adapted to fluctuating water levels.
Solar Array Mix
The Solar Array Mix includes shorter native grass and wildflower species for use in and around solar installations.
Roadside Mix
The Roadside Mix is designed to withstand the harsh conditions found along a roadside.
Ditch Bottom Mix
The Ditch Bottom Mix is designed for the temporarily wet areas of a roadside ditch.
Slope Stabilization Mix
The Slope Stabilization Mix will establish quickly while providing a deep-rooted, permanent native grass foundation for highly erodible sites.
Filter Strip Mix
The Filter Strip Mix is used to establish bands of permanent grass vegetation to reduce sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and other contaminants in cropland or pastures near streams, lakes, ponds, ditches, or other waterways.
Fire Break
The Fire Break Mix is designed to create a barrier around the perimeter of native fields and provides a fire break for a prescribed burn.